
Sabtu, 15 November 2008

November 2008 AAP Winner Announcement!

November 2008 AAP Winner Announcement!

We Have Another Lucky Winner!

Congratulations to our Affiliate Appreciation Program winner this month, Diane Bauer from Arizona! Wow! Diane became $100 richer just by showing us a valid payment receipt from her purchase from one of our advertisers' websites!

"How can I be entered in the AAP drawing", you may ask? Simple! Keep your eye out for the special Affiliate Appreciation Program banners above select advertisers' websites that you visit, because if you purchase a product or service from that website, you can submit your payment receipt to be entered into the $100 drawing!

That's all there is to it! Remember, all you have to do is click on the "Yes, I purchased this product" button on the top frame, copy and paste the receipt from the purchase and click “Submit”. Each valid payment receipt you submit is one more chance to win $100!

Every single Hits4Pay member is eligible! Yes, that means you! So what are you waiting for? Submit your valid payment receipt any time this month to enter to win yourself an extra $100 in December! Good luck, everyone!

PS: Is $100 not enough for you? How about $1000? Enter your homemade web video about Hits4Pay for a chance to win $1000! Click here to review the contest details!

This Month's $100 WINNER!

"Wow, not only did I find a great
product by browsing ads at Hits4Pay, but I won some money through the Affiliate Appreciation Program.
Thank you!"

Diane Bauer

Arizona, United States of America

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